
Battalion Wars 2
Battalion Wars 2

Battalion Wars 2 Battalion Wars 2 Battalion Wars 2

The GI Bill empowered them to further their education. There were any number of Vietnam veterans attending the Edwardsville campus of Southern Illinois University when I was a student. I was still required to register for the draft and drew the number 210 in the draft lottery, which meant that short of an all-out invasion of the United States I wouldn’t be called up. The United States would remain at war for more than a year, but the days of offensive ground operations by the U.S. Army Center for Military History, “By December 1971, the United States still had 157,000 military personnel in South Vietnam, but only 12,000 of them were combat infantrymen. The land phase of the Vietnam War was really winding down by then. 8, 1971 when I was a senior in high school.

Battalion Wars 2